STAR and Panel at EuroVis 2024

At EuroVis 2024, the 26th Eurographics/IEEE Conference on Visualization, two sessions will be dedicated to Audio-Visual Analytics:

Time: May 29-30, 2024

Place: University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark

Open Your Ears and Take a Look: A State-of-the-Art Report on the Integration of Sonification and Visualization

Authors: Kajetan Enge, Elias Elmquist, Valentina Caiola, Niklas Rönnberg, Alexander Rind, Michael Iber, Sara Lenzi, Fangfei Lan, Robert Höldrich, & Wolfgang Aigner

Abstract: The research communities studying visualization and sonification for data display and analysis share exceptionally similar goals, essentially making data of any kind interpretable to humans. One community does so by using visual representations of data, and the other community employs auditory (non-speech) representations of data. While the two communities have a lot in common, they developed mostly in parallel over the course of the last few decades. With this STAR, we discuss a collection of work that bridges the borders of the two communities, hence a collection of work that aims to integrate the two techniques into one form of audiovisual display, which we argue to be ‘‘more than the sum of the two.’’ We introduce and motivate a classification system applicable to such audiovisual displays and categorize a corpus of 57 academic publications that appeared between 2011 and 2023 in categories such as reading level, dataset type, or evaluation system, to mention a few. The corpus also enables a meta-analysis of the field, including regularly occurring design patterns such as type of visualization and sonification techniques, or the use of visual and auditory channels, showing an overall diverse field with different designs. An analysis of a co-author network of the field shows individual teams without many interconnections. The body of work covered in this STAR also relates to three adjacent topics: audiovisual monitoring, accessibility, and audiovisual data art. These three topics are discussed individually in addition to the systematically conducted part of this research. The findings of this report may be used by researchers from both fields to understand the potentials and challenges of such integrated designs while hopefully inspiring them to collaborate with experts from the respective other field.


Supplemental Materials:

Corpus as a Zotero Library:

Integrating Sonification and Visualization – But Why?

Organizers: Alexander Rind, Kajetan Enge, Michael Iber, Niklas Rönnberg, Sara Lenzi, Elias Elmquist, Valentina Caiola, Fangfei Lan, Robert Höldrich, and Wolfgang Aigner

Extended Abstract:


To facilitate an insightful and productive discussion, we invited scholars from both communities to participate to join a panel discussion on the topic:

Portrait of Sandra Pauletto
Sandra Pauletto (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) is associate professor in media technology. Her research spans across sound and music computing, sonification, media production and sound design.
Portrait of Niklas Rönnberg
Niklas Rönnberg (Linköping University) is a researcher in sonification, the study about sound as a complementary modality in different application areas. His main research interest is in how deliberately designed and composed musical sounds can be used as complement to visual information in different application areas such as information visualization, process control, and decision support.
Portrait of Renata Raidou
Renata Raidou (TU Wien) is assistant professor in medical visualization and visual analytics. Her research focus is on the interface between visual analytics, image processing, and machine learning, with a strong focus on medical applications.
Portrait of Niklas Elmqvist
Niklas Elmqvist (Aarhus University) is a full professor in data visualization, human-computer interaction, and visual analytics. He and his students have worked on supporting BLV individuals since 2018, including for reverse-engineering charts and cross-modal touch-enabled scatterplots.


  • Kajetan Enge (St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences and University of Music and Performing Arts Graz)
  • Wolfgang Aigner (St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences)